Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tool #5- Producing Web Tools

Wordle- I enjoyed making a wordle.  I would like to use this with my class and incorporate it as a writing lesson.  I feel that they could write a story and then publish it on wordle. After the finished product is produced the student can then see how many repeat words they had to enable them to use better/different word choices.  They can also see the important words that stand out and use those words for a summary. 

Google eBookstore is another area that I would like to utilize with my classroom.  We could create a bookshelf of books we have read and a brief summary for each title.  Also, we could place books in different genre that we would like to read.  We can use blogger or edmodo to chat on our titles and book club titles.
Wordle: slconstitutionDon't BlinkOut of My MindThe help

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to "wordleing" with the fifth graders at the conclusion of Skellig!
