Friday, January 13, 2012

Tool # 9 - Incorporating Classroom Based Devices

Students are always up to using technology in the classroom. I feel it is important tie the use of technology to the objective because it is "real life" teaching. We are all so tied to technology that adding it to the objective is just natural. When we are in need of information we pull up the web and search. Students should have this ability as well. Of course there should be accountability and monitoring. Using a rubric, peer sharing and teaching should help with this. Students are willing to show and share new finds of technology.

There are many sites that we use for interactive learning. A few that we use are: brainpop, flipcharts adding/subtracting mixed numbers and different ways to solve multi word problems. All of these fliphcharts are interactive and a great learning tool.

Some apps I found interesting are: A factor tree- that allows students to find the LCM (least common multiple), GCF (greatest common factor), Build factor trees- grade 5-7, Animoto videos -using own pictures on i-pod to create beautiful music videos, and


  1. I can't wait to see the apps you mentioned. They sound like apps that we could really use, especially since the kids have so much trouble with LCM and GCF.

  2. I can't wait until you have the Netbooks and iPads in your classroom. My guess is you'll always be finding new thing and trying them out. Looking forward to hearing all about it. Those sound like great math apps you found!
