Friday, January 13, 2012

Tool # 11 - Self Assessing and Reflecting

Wow! I finally completed the "11 Tools"! It is a good feeling to make it through and learn many new tools that I can use in the classroom.

Some of my favorite tools I am adding and using in my toolbox are: edmodo, shelfari, google docs and wallwisher. I plan on using these tools in many of our daily routines!

The vision of using these tools in my classroom has changed. I can not wait to get my new devices and start implementing these ideas into my objectives. It will be a new challange for my class.

There were unexpected outcomes throughout the 11 Tools Process. I gained some confindence in trying new tools and was surprised that I used some of my previous tools when moving forward through this class. Going through this process has made me aware of better ways to use technology in my classroom.

Tool # 10 - Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship is one of the most important tools that students need to understand. Although we are using many different devices and tools, the students need to be aware of the dangers and appropriate way to use these tools.

Some of the rules we must teach and follow are:

1. Keep our user names and passwords confidential
2. Talk about cyber bullying and proper netiquette
3. Discuss instant messaging (do no communicate with strangers),
not sharing your personal information online and
email should be used for school purposes only

We did watch a video on that explained all of these rules in great detail. Furthermore, letting the parents know what are "expected practices" for digital citizenship will help educate and answer any questions/apprehension they may have.

Tool # 9 - Incorporating Classroom Based Devices

Students are always up to using technology in the classroom. I feel it is important tie the use of technology to the objective because it is "real life" teaching. We are all so tied to technology that adding it to the objective is just natural. When we are in need of information we pull up the web and search. Students should have this ability as well. Of course there should be accountability and monitoring. Using a rubric, peer sharing and teaching should help with this. Students are willing to show and share new finds of technology.

There are many sites that we use for interactive learning. A few that we use are: brainpop, flipcharts adding/subtracting mixed numbers and different ways to solve multi word problems. All of these fliphcharts are interactive and a great learning tool.

Some apps I found interesting are: A factor tree- that allows students to find the LCM (least common multiple), GCF (greatest common factor), Build factor trees- grade 5-7, Animoto videos -using own pictures on i-pod to create beautiful music videos, and

Tool # 8 - Taking a Look at the Tools

I am ready to get all the new equipment for my classroom! I believe that many things can and will be accomplished once students have "quick" access in the classroom. Currently it takes more time to incorporate when the devices have to be checked out.

Many of the students already have an i-phone, i- touch and an i-pad along with an i-tune account. Many students are using these devices at home and school. Furthermore, they know how to download, add applications and sync. We are familiar with the netbooks and google docs. With that being said, it appears we will be ready to incorporate these items into the classroom with ease. (As the students are so savvy and not afraid to try new programs)

I plan on managing the devices in the following way:

* Have equipment charged and ready for use each morning
* Have easy access to devices to ensure use
* Use google docs, i-applications etc. to be incorporated in lessons
* How to care and use equipment for appropriate classroom activities

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tool # 7- Reaching outside of your classroom online

1. The collaborative project we will be doing in 5th grade is our Wax Museum research paper. The students will be divided into groups according to their assigned period of history. Then they will research their time period and post their notes on google docs and share them with the rest of their groups. They will be able to edit each other's notes, adding information.

2. a. TLW research a particular time in history in more depth that we have studied and write a research paper.
b. We will do this in May
c. Google docs, the internet, etc.
d.The students will be divided into groups according to their assigned period of history. Then they will research their time period and post their notes on google docs and share them with the rest of their group in the other classes. They will be able to edit each other's notes by adding information.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tool # 6 - Using Web Tools

My class is using Edmodo.  They were so excited to set up their accounts.  I like Edmodo for classroom use because it is a private site and I can manage the account.  We are using Edmodo in our class to correspond with one another on current events and other classroom assignments.  I am now managing book club groups on Edmodo.  The students are excited to chat back and forth regarding their books.  I hope this tool will increase getting their thoughts down and encourage them to discuss their books using different types of tools. It is also handy that Edmodo can be accesses with many types of devices.

Wallwisher- I would like to try this with my students.  This could be used in many ways in the classroom and it can also be managed.  Wallwisher could be used as a way to correspond on particular subjects, make sticky notes on books that are being read in class and as an organizer.  It was so easy to set up and I believe the students would enjoy posting on wallwisher.

Tool #5- Producing Web Tools

Wordle- I enjoyed making a wordle.  I would like to use this with my class and incorporate it as a writing lesson.  I feel that they could write a story and then publish it on wordle. After the finished product is produced the student can then see how many repeat words they had to enable them to use better/different word choices.  They can also see the important words that stand out and use those words for a summary. 

Google eBookstore is another area that I would like to utilize with my classroom.  We could create a bookshelf of books we have read and a brief summary for each title.  Also, we could place books in different genre that we would like to read.  We can use blogger or edmodo to chat on our titles and book club titles.
Wordle: slconstitutionDon't BlinkOut of My MindThe help

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tool # 4 -Google Docs

I created a book report on Google Docs.  I have emailed it to my team and now we can edit it to fit our curriculum and all put our input without having to email it back and forth.   I can see how this would be great for classroom projects and peer editing students work. This seems to be a good tool for slide shows/projects to enable each student to work without sitting right next to one another.  They can work from any device.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tool # 3 -Lifeline

As an educator I am always looking for new ideas, charts, graphs and visuals. Copyright and Best Practices are always a concern.  It is assuring to know that if you are publishing it to secure locations on educational sites you are safe of copyright as long as you do not copy entire collections.

Picasa- I did go to the link and some errors did occur.  From the brief images that I did see I could see how students could use these for projects.  Web albums could be a powerful tool in presentations.

Moon Phases

I could use drop box to save information that I want my students to be able to access on other devices.

Tool # 2- Blog to your hearts content

Building a PLN was interesting to me.  I was surprised by how many sites are out there.  I do try and use my Facebook when I have free time. I am finding myself using brain-pop, you tube and I have now started edmodo.  I can see how you can find similar interests or not- but there is a lot of info out there.  I have been trying and using more sites in my classroom as resources and teaching tools.  I do like khan academy as another source with my students. I will try and blog more-


I can not believe I created my Voki!  It was fun picking out the person.  I worked on this with my team and we had a good time laughing at our Voki's.